This is a post in a series that explains potential issues related to dependencies. It does not attempt to explain all nuances of package management and supply chain security, but can serve as an introduction to some Python-specific parts.

In this post, we will go through what happens when you use Pip together with multiple indices and show problems related to it.

You can find all posts in the series here

Extra PyPI indices

It is common for companies or organisations to build internal packages, for example a SDK developed by a central team that is used to interact with the internal platform. These packages are seldom uploaded on because they often contain proprietary code and are not meant to be used by the public.

The packages are instead uploaded to internal package indices. Pip has flags to either switch index, --index-url, or use additional indices, --extra-index-url.

When determining the source of the package, Pip will take all indices into consideration and might therefore install my-internal-package from if it is available there.

This opens up for dependency confusion attacks, where you expect your internal package but instead get a package with malicious code that someone has uploaded to

Problem: Pip regards all indices as equal

When specifying multiple indices with --extra-index-url, Pip will regard all indices as equal and will fetch packages from one of them.

Solution: Be very careful when using --extra-index-url

Be very careful when using --extra-index-url and mitigate the risk of dependency confusion attacks by one or several of the steps below.

  • Only use one index and configure that to mirror packages to You can put additional security measures here as well, e.g., scan packages, remove known vulnerable packages etc.
  • Upload a dummy package on to block the name and ensure no one else can upload my-internal-package there.

There is no easy solution to the problem of using multiple indices, but it is being worked on and e.g., PEP 708 will help when it has been accepted and implemented.

Use hashes to get reproducible builds

With the above in mind, we know that a package with the same version can exist on multiple indices, but contain different code. Furthermore, some indices allow for reuploading package versions. So how can we determine that we get the same content each time we install?

Pip supports hash checking, where the hash is used to verify the downloaded package. If any part of the package changes, so will the hash, so this way you are guaranteed that you download the same content every time. You can find hashes on at Download files and view hashes for the relevant file.

Specify the hash in your requirements-files (it is not supported on the command line, see pypa/pip#3257).

pip==23.3.1 --hash=sha256:55eb67bb6171d37447e82213be585b75fe2b12b359e993773aca4de9247a052

When hashes are used, all requirements need to be pinned to exact versions and have hashes specified. Therefore it is not really manageable to do this manually, you need a tool like pip-tools that can generate a “compiled” requirements file with versions and hashes specified based on your dependencies in e.g., pyproject.toml or a

A future post will explain more about transitive dependencies and how to compiled requirements-files. The post Compile and use dependencies for multiple Python versions in Tox contains example how to do this.

Hash checking will only ensure the same package is installed every time

Checking the hashes will ensure that the intended package content is installed, but it will have no effect mitigating dependency confusion attacks if the hash points towards the malicious package.

Therefore, hash checking in itself is not sufficient to mitigate the risk of using multiple indices, but can be one part in the mitigation.

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